2017年に衝撃的なデビューを飾ったIN FOR THE KILLのデビュー・アルバム、「IN FOR THE KILL」のヨーロッパでの発売が決定!!
2019年10月4日にドイツのREAPER ENTERTAINMENT EUROPEよりボーナス・トラック2曲(Live)を追加収録して発売されます。このリリースを機に海外でも彼らの動きが活発になるかと思いますので、引き続きバンドの応援を宜しくお願いいたします!
尚、SPIRITUAL BEAST ONLINE SHOPではヨーロッパ盤の取り扱いを行います。
English is below>>
IN FOR THE KILL comment:
Hello guys in Europe!
Our first album “IN FOR THE KILL”, check it out!!
We want you to know that Japanese bands play tough and strong metal sounds.
And our really dream is to play in your country!
We believe that our songs reach your soul.
Let’s drink together in your country someday!!
IN FOR THE KILL from Japan

One of the most powerful Asian Metal/Hardcore bands IN FOR THE KILL is back again! Founded by the two core members back in 2013, vocalist Ina who has played in METAL SAFARI, which is well known in the overseas Heavy Metal/Hardcore scene and bassist Tomo, who has played in the same band from 2011 to 2012.
With a strong sound, outstanding performances and a exciting mix of styles the band has established itself in the domestic scene.
A impressive performance at “Japanese Assault Fest 15” among bands as ENFORCER, SUICIDAL ANGELS and SOLITUDE from Japan followed and the success and the demand of the audience was so overwhelming that they also played at an extra show of “Japanese Assault Fest 16”.
After signing with SPIRITUAL BEAST for a worldwide album release on 2017 the band launched their debut album which was recorded and mixed by Fuyuhiko Inui at “Tapestry Recording Studio” which offered the perfect environment to create this debut masterpiece.
The album artwork was made by Ukraine designer Nurgeslag who did many artworks for artists such as ROTTING CHRIST, BALFOR, BATUSHKA and NORDWITCH.
On 25th October 2017 the band’s 1st album “IN FOR THE KILL” finally was released through SPIRITUAL BEAST all over Asia/World.
Publishing this extremely high quality debut album the band joined “Japanese Assault Fest 17” to play a release show with bands as THE RODS(US), CHRONOSPHERE(Greece) and F.K.Ü(sweden). Next year, the band played with FLOTSAM AND JETSAM(US), VIOLATOR(Brazil), MAKE THEM SUFFER(Australia), CRYSTAL LAKE(Japan)etc…
Now “IN FOR THE KILL” will be re-launched on 04.10.2019 all over Europe through REAPER ENTERTAINMENT EUROPE under License of SPIRITUAL BEAST.

Out: 04.10.2019
CD (Jewelcase): REAPER 018 – 4046661631128 – Pricecode: C13
Pre Oder: http://www.reapermusic.de/in-for-the-kill-in-for-the-kill
Track List:
01. Chaos
02. Serpent From Hell
03. Berserk Song
04. Buried Alive
05. I Am A Stranger
06. Asphalt Mountain
07. Spit Out The Bait
08. War Comes
09. Born To Be A Killer
10. Nucleus
11. In For The Kill
Europe Bonus Tracks:
12. Serpent From Hell (Live)
13. I am a Stranger (Live)
Produced by Fuyuhiko Inui and Akira Sugiuchi
Co-produced by In For The Kill
Mixed by Fuyuhiko Inui
Mastered by Takahiro Hashimoto (g/ INHALE)
Artwork by Nurgeslag (Rotting Christ, Batushka, Balfor, Nordwitch, etc.)
Takenori Inamoto (Vocals)
Tomohiro Suzuki (Bass)
Toru Watanabe (Drums)
Ryosuke Ichikawa (Guitars)
2014 Demos 2014 (Demo)
2017 In For The Kill